March 2009
According to the state IMN newsletter, in 2008 there were 13 Master Naturalist classes, producing more than 100 graduates. Altogether, there are currently over 585 certified Indiana Master Naturalists.
>> Heidi Doss extended thanks to everyone who helped with the Maple Sugarbush Festival this year. The event would NOT have been possible without volunteers. Early reports show that it was a very good year, with great attendance and many repeat customers!
>> The entry garden is starting to bloom, and work on it will begin again soon. Stop by to see the flowers, and many thanks to Dennis & Carol Slow and other volunteers for all their hard work!
>> A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped clear trails after February's big ice storm. As of the March meeting, all of WWNP's trails were reopened, to the public's amazement.
>> Thanks are due to Mike Seib for constructing fancy new enclosures for the nature center's resident reptiles. Next time you're in the neighborhood, stop in and check them out!
>> Finally, thank you to Dr. Paul Doss for the informative presentation on Global Warming, given after the March SIMNA meeting!
>> From now on, attendance at SIMNA meetings counts for one volunteer hour. Also, if you have finished your initial 40 hours, DON'T stop keeping track! Reporting your hours to Lauren or Susan helps them obtain grants and other funding.
>> At the May meeting, we will be electing the next slate of officers. Jane Magary is accepting nominations for all four officer positions, so please contact her ASAP if you are interested! You may nominate yourself or suggest others that Jane might contact, but you may only officially nominate others if you have their permission first. Jane can be reached at or (812) 473-6535.
The President runs the meetings and helps deal with official group business (Jane promises it's very easy); the Vice President books speakers and programs for our meetings, and may be asked to run a meeting or two in Jane's absence; the Treasurer keeps track of the group's account, collects dues, and writes checks for donations and activities; the Secretary takes notes at meetings and sends out the minutes via email and postal mail. Gena has offered to continue maintenance of the group's blog site (, so the new secretary need only handle the minutes and announcements.
>> Dues for the upcoming year (July 2009 - June 2010) are due to the treasurer on or before July 1st. Dues are curently set at $15 per person or $25 per couple. As our group grows, we will by necessity become more diligent about collecting dues. So far, we have used our dues and fundraising money to donate $250 toward the cost of supplies for the free Family Activities at the Ohio Valley Birding Festival!
>> If you have taken an enrichment course since becoming a Master Naturalists (Flying WILD, Project WILD, Project WET, Project Webfoot, Hoosier Riverwatch, Project Learning Tree, Go FishIN, etc.), please bring your certificates of completion in so that Susan can make a copy for your volunteer file. Also, if you have taken Project Webfoot and aren't sure what to do with the curriculum materials they send, WNS would be glad to have them!
>> Earth Day at Howell Wetlands is tomorrow! Join in the festivities from 10 - 2.
>> The 2nd annual Ohio Valley Birding Festival is set for May 1 - 3. The free Family Day activities are scheduled for Saturday the 2nd from 10 - 2:30. If you are able to help, please contact Carol Pettys at (812) 867-6231 or Please let her know which shift you'd prefer: 10:00 - 2:00, 10:00 - 12:00, or 12:00 - 2:30.
>> The first moonlight paddle of the season is set for Saturday, May 9th. Call Neal at (812) 479-0771 for more info!
>> The next Basic Backyard Habitat workshop is planned for Saturday, May 30 from 9 AM - noon, with an Advanced Enrichment program to follow. For more information, contact Kathy Eicher at (812) 423-3412 or For a complete description of the program, visit
>> Canoe Evansville is planning a Pigeon Creek cleanup on June 13th. To volunteer (or for more info), contact Don Ralph at (812) 473-2480 or Kevin Mills will be offering a water monitoring class focusing on E. Coli sometime soon. If you wish to be added to the Canoe Evansville volunteers' mailing list, contact Neal or Susan at (812) 479-0771.
>> The National Resources Education Center (NREC) is offering a Monarchs, Monitoring, Milkweed, & Migration workshop at Howell Wetlands from 9 AM - 4 PM on Saturday, July 25th:
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP)
Hands-on training for anyone interested in monarch butterflies or monarch monitoring projects for home, schools or parks. Learn about the life cycle of an individual monarch traveling from Indiana to the mountains of Mexico and back to the United States, highlighting the threats to this migration phenomenon. Using live monarch eggs, larvae and adults, identify all stages of a monarch's life cycle and tag adult butterflies. Develop strategies for creating Monarch Waystations and experiment with monarch curriculum for grades K-8. Conducted by Ann Richardson and Robert Richardson, Regional Trainers for the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a citizen science project developed at the University of Minnesota. Sponsored by Indiana Project WILD, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Registration Deadline: Thursday, July 16, 2009
To register for this workshop, contact the Natural Resources Education Center at (317)562-1338 or e-mail
To see the full calendar of the NREC's fantastic programs, visit
>> To view the WNS event calendar, visit
>> Coming soon! Watch for details on the WNS Wine Trail fundraiser (June 6th) and Reptile Roundup (formerly Reptile Invasion) event (June 20th)!
>> the Darwin lectures given by Ken Miller and Eugenie Scott back in February are now available to watch at USI's Rice LIbrary, for anyone who is interested. Call the library at (812) 464-1907.
>> Susan is taking orders for Indiana Master Naturalist patches. The patches are $4 each, and you must be finished and certified (have received your certificate and pin from the state) to order one. The order will probably be placed in late Spring or early Summer.
>> Heidi has graciously offered to provide copies of a CD of frog and toad calls to anyone who wishes to learn more about these animals. If you are interested, bring a blank CD-R to the nature center or the next SIMNA meeting.
>> Gena would like to add a Recommended Books section to the group's webpage in the next month or so. Email her at if you have a great nature or eco-themed book to recommend, and check the site for books to add to your reading list!
>> You are also welcome to submit photos to share with the group on the webpage. Email them directly to Gena at or bring them to a meeting on a CD. LD Harry recently shared some awesome photos he took at a heron rookery near Henderson, which can be viewed here.
>> Our next meeting is set for this coming Monday, April 20th. We will begin promptly at 6:30 PM with a wildflower walk around the WWNP trails, with business to follow. Please dress for the weather, and consider bringing bug spray. Hope to see you all there!
February 2009
Larry Caplan donated some really nice informational signs for the garden at the entrance to the nature preserve, which is being maintained by Dennis & Carol Slow and other members of SWIMGA and SIMNA. If you see Larry, be sure to thank him for his generosity!
If anyone is interested in whitewater paddling, the Ohio Valley Paddlers group meets at the Roca Bar on Kentucky Avenue on the first Thursday of each month. For more information, email Suzanna Morris at
Backyard Habitat Seminars
Kathy Eicher is spearheading an initiative to spread the word about the National Wildlife Federation's Backyard Habitat program. The sessions would be great continuing education opportunities for all Master Naturalists! The first one is this Sat. March 21 from 9am-12pm on the basic elements of a wildlife habitat. Participants will learn how to get a backyard habitat certified with National Wildlife Federation, with the hope that a community-wide effort will begin, inspiring others to get involved with creating their own green spaces for wildlife.
The next two seminars are on Sat. May 30 and Sept. 12 from 9-12noon. Then Advanced Enrichment classes will be offered following those Basic Classes from 1pm-4pm. Guest speakers will have topics on making a rain garden, attracting pollinators, and lawn reduction, and more. For a full class description, visit
Free Project Webfoot workshop!
Sugar Ridge Fish & Wildlife Area
April 1 - 2
8:30 - 4:00 each day
For more info, see the flier that was emailed out a few days ago. The flier has also been posted on the group blog at, and mailed out to those without internet access.
Ohio Valley Birding Fest
The second annual OVBF is scheduled for May 1 - 3. Building upon last year's event, there will be birding trips, workshops, lectures, children's activities, and more. At our last meeting, those in attendance voted to give $250 from our treasury as a sponsorship toward the free children's activities planned for Saturday, May 2nd. Master Naturalists are also being asked to consider volunteering for the kids' activities. If you are able to help, please contact Carol Pettys at Please let her know which shicft you'd prefer: 10:00 - 2:00, 10:00 - 12:00, or 12:00 - 2:30.
Upcoming WNS events, for participation or volunteer opportunities:
March 21 Raptor Show (2 p.m.) at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Raptors have ruled as top predators for thousands of years. Why? Explore their specific adaptations, habitats, and niches with an up-close-and-personal look at these magnificent creatures. Live and uncensored with our resident raptors! Proceeds fund the WNS Raptor Program. $4 per person; $12 per family; ½ price with WNS family membership.
March 22 Fungus Among Us (2 p.m.) at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Join a naturalist for a guided tour of the woods to discover the fungi in the forest on display for the spring season. Discover puffballs, morels, toadstools, and many more. Free; donations accepted.
March 28 Wing Watching (8:30 a.m.) at Howell Wetlands and (10 a.m.)at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Bird enthusiast and Wild Birds Unlimited co-owner Tim Griffith will guide you through the woods and wetlands to discover active bird life. Bring your binoculars, cameras, and journals. It’s going to be a fun flight! Free; donations accepted.
April 4 Forest Foliage Frolic (10 a.m.) at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Join a naturalist for a guided tour of the woods to discover what forest foliage (wildflowers, trees, mushrooms and more) is out in display for the spring season. Free; donations accepted.
April 4 Fungus Among Us (2 p.m.) at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Join a naturalist for a guided tour of the woods to discover the fungi in the forest on display for the spring season. Discover puffballs, morels, toadstools, and many more. Free; donations accepted.
April 5 Egg Designs by Nature (2 p.m.) at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Join our naturalists to learn more about eggs as nature intended. Make your own egg dyes from natural ingredients and design your own egg just in time for Easter. $4 per person; $12 per family; ½ price with WNS family membership.
April 11 Wing Watching (8:30 a.m.) at Howell Wetlands and (10 a.m.) at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve. Bird enthusiast and Wild Birds Unlimited co-owner Tim Griffith will guide you through the woods and wetlands to discover active bird life. Bring your binoculars, cameras, and journals. It’s going to be a fun flight! Free; donations accepted.
April 12 Wing Watching (5:30 p.m.) at Howell Wetlands. Bird enthusiast and Wild Birds Unlimited co-owner Tim Griffith will guide you through the woods and wetlands to discover active bird life. Bring your binoculars, cameras, and journals. It’s going to be a fun flight! Free; donations accepted.
April 18 Earth Day at Howell Wetlands (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Join us for Earth Day at Howell Wetlands, an opportunity to celebrate this annual environmental focus in one of our city's most biodiverse urban green spaces. Festivities will include the following activities:
Kids Crafts and Games
Water Bug Fishing
Water Pollution Solutions
Scavenger Hunt
Recycling Demonstrations
Animal Encounters
This event is free to the public. We hope you will join us in celebrating Earth Day this year!
For a complete list of programs, visit
Next meeting:
Our next meeting is set for Monday, March 23rd at 6:30 PM. Dr. Paul Doss from USI will present a talk about global environmental change. For an article on some of Dr. Doss's recent work, visit
January 2009
We opened our first meeting of 2009 with a fantastic presentation by USI geology professor Dr. Jim Durbin. Jim's talk was all about karst, a fitting topic since we live in a karst-heavy region. To continue the theme, Gena has agreed to organize a group trip to Marengo Cave sometime this Spring. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to the group account ( and you'll be put on a cave trip mailing list.
In addition, the Lost River Conservation Association is offering three public field featuring "an orientation to the classic portion of Indiana's Lost River karst system." For information on trip options, click here.
Our treasury has grown to a healthy $1184.88, including a whopping $109.88 earned at the Wild Birds Unlimited holiday wrapping event. Thanks to Jane Magary, Kate Lynch, Karen Selby, and Cynthia Nicholson for volunteering their time, and thanks to Wild Birds Unlimited for the opportunity! Jane suggested that we think about considering a small sponsorship of some kind for the upcoming Ohio Valley Birding Festival.
The third Indiana Master Naturalist class is now in progress! Previous graduates are permitted to sit in on individual session, but you must make a reservation and pay a $10 fee. For a list of class topics and to arrange to sit in, contact Lauren Preske at (812) 479-0771 ext 102 or
Don't forget that you still need to be recording and turning in your volunteer hours, even if you have completed your IMN certification.
The annual volunteer banquet is scheduled for Thursday, February 26th, from 6 - 8 PM. It will be held at the Acropolis banquet hall on Highway 41, and the cost is $5 per person. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Stephanie Mosbacher at 479-0771 ext. 107 or
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
The annual Great Backyard Bird Count will be held February 13 through 16. Count in your own yard, at Wesselman Woods or any other location. It takes as little as 15 minutes! Tally sheets are available at the Nature Center, or online at
Volunteers are always needed at WNS's Recycle Saturday events. The next two are on February 21st (Evansville Day School) and March 7th (Old Wal-Mart West), from 8:00 am to Noon. Email Susan at if you can lend a hand.
The Maple Sugarbush Festival is taking place on March 7th and 8th. Tree tapping has already started! If you'd like to volunteer to help prepare for the event or at the event itself, contact Lauren Preske at 479-0771 ext. 102 or
Lauren is also looking for a few more reptile docents! Click here for more info.
Upcoming Programs
Sunday Sustainability Series at WWNP
This four-part adult seminar series (Energy, Economy, and Environment) discusses interrelationship and interdependency of energy and economy on different facets of our environment. Programs led by Dr. Greg Valentine, Director of the Center for Economic Education at the University of Southern Indiana (USI). The remaining topic in this series is Land Fills/Global Warming, scheduled from 2 - 4 PM on February 22 at the WWNP nature center.
The curriculum is sponsored by the IN Council for Economic Education. The series is free for those attending thanks to platinum sponsor Hafer Associates, a local architectural, engineering, planning and interior design firm.
Backyard Habitat Class
WNS staff & docents, with the assistance of SWIMNA & SWIMGA members, are organizing a new community-wide certified backyard habitat initiative, an established program of the National Wildlife Federation. WNS will offer quarterly backyard habitat seminars for individuals desiring to apply the concepts to their home, school, business, organization, or other properties. WNS hopes to encourage individuals to take an interest in fostering community outreach efforts.
Both basic introduction classes and advanced topic classes will be offered one Saturday a season. The basic class will run on a Saturday morning, and cover basics of wildlife habitat requirements and backyard solutions. The advanced topics class will run the same afternoon, and will cover three topics that vary each time, such as composting, rain gardens, rain barrels, lawn reduction, reduced chemical use and alternatives, attracting various flora and fauna, and many more.
The cost for each class is $15/person. Registration is required. Class size is limited to 50. The following is the class schedule for the rest of 2009:
March 21, 9am-noon Basic Backyard Wildlife Habitat Seminar
May 30, 9am-noon Basic Backyard Wildlife Habitat Seminar
May 30, 1-4pm Backyard Wildlife Habitat Advanced Topics Seminar
Sept 12, 9am-noon Basic Backyard Wildlife Habitat Seminar
Sept 12, 1-4pm Backyard Wildlife Habitat Advanced Topics Seminar
Call Lauren Preske at 479-0771 ext. 102 for more information.
Ice storm cleanup
Both Wesselman Woods and Audubon State Park in Henderson were hit hard by the recent ice storm. If you are interested in helping to clear trails, please consider volunteering. To help at WWNP, contact Susan Haislip at (812) 479-0771 ext. 100 or To help at Audubon, contact Julie McDonald at (270) 826-4424 or PLEASE NOTE: Per the Education Committee, you may not count hours worked at Audubon toward your 40 hours needed for IMN certification.
Mark your calendars!
The second Ohio Valley Birding Festival is slated for May 1 - 3. Building upon last year's event, there will be birding trips, workshops, lectures, childrens' activities and more. Plan to attend for pleasure, or to help out as a volunteer! More information will be coming soon!
Next meeting!
The next SIMNA meeting is set for this coming Monday, February 16th, at 6:30 PM. The featured speaker is SIMNA secretary and Evansville Museum science educator Gena Garrett, who will give a presentation on Charles Darwin.
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