
Reptile Docents Needed

Lauren is searching for a few SIMNA members who would have an interest in receiving training to safely handle and tend to day-to-day care of the reptiles in the nature preserve's collection.

Ideally, she would like to train docents who would have a desire to spend some time at WWNP on the weekends especially, but also some during the week when visitors might be in the nature center. Docents would be trained to handle the animals and do impromptu talks with visitors in the lobby area at various times throughout the day. Visitor interest in the reptiles is high, and they are more than appreciative to actually get to safely touch or hold a snake while visiting.

Additionally, docents would help with the reptiles' day-to-day care, making sure each has fresh water, clean cages, and gets fed on schedule (for turtles that may mean checking the care log for daily feeding or picking up minnows from the bait store, for snakes it would mean thawing mice for feeding every 1-2 weeks).

The WWNP reptile collection currently includes a bull snake, a black rat snake, two red-eared sliders, and a Alligator snapping turtle. Six box turtles will be joining the menagerie soon!

Interested prospective docents should contact Lauren at (812-479-0771, ext 102 or lpreske@wesselmannaturesociety.org).

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