
IMN Annual Gathering in Fort Wayne

A schedule for the 2011 Indiana Master Naturalist Annual State Gathering at Fox Island County Park in Fort Wayne, IN :
Friday September 30 5:30pm-6:30pm Registration--Fox Island Nature Center
6:30pm Welcome by Park and Ed. Manager, Ron Zartman
7:30pm Miami Indian Presentation (tobacco purifying ceremony, and
a talk on native plant use by Miami Indians)

Saturday October 1 8:00am-9:00am Early Birder's Hike at Eagle Marsh
9:30-11:30am Eagle Marsh tour
12pm-1:00pm Lunch at Casa Ristorante (included in registration fee)
1:15-3:30pm Fox Island Fall Foray--an historical tour/hike in the Park

For more details please refer to earlier email containing the registration form or email keleicher@gmail.com


Eagle Slough Tour on June 20, 2011
About 25 attended our last SIMNA meeting/field trip to Eagle Slough Natural Area. A stiff breeze kept insects away for the most part, and it also helped with humidity. We were impressed with all the volunteer efforts that went into making this former ugly dumping site into a nice nature trail complete with interpretive signage and viewing/photography deck. Our tourguide was ESNA key supporter, Greg Myer. He explained the history of the area which was once a railway. Remnants of that railway can still be seen. He pointed out the Bald Cypress trees which are part of the slough's attractions. Also, he told us that the area was a great birding spot during migration periods, and also about some of the other wildlife which uses the area.

Thanks to Greg, thanks to Eleanor for snacks, and thank you to all who were able to attend!
