
Pioneer Days at Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve

Tuesday September 28th to Friday October 1st

There are two shifts: 8:30 to 11:30 AM and 11:30 to 2:00 PM. We’re looking for people who can talk about (and when possible, demonstrate) the following:
  • how the pioneers made pots and soap
  • what wildlife they would have encountered
  • what weapons they might have used
  • how they tanned hides and spun wool
  • their cooking methods and the food they ate
  • what toys children played with
  • what games children played
  • edible plants that were available then
  • how people traveled
  • what tools they used

We’re also looking for hike leaders and volunteers who can assist the presenters.

There will be several hundred children in small groups (15-20) who will move with their group from station to station every 15 minutes. So the maximum talking time for each subject will be fifteen minutes, repeated every 15 minutes for your entire shift. If you are interested in doing any of these things, please contact Eleanor Savage at (812) 479-0771 ext 141 or VolCoord@WesselmanNatureSociety.org

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