
SIMNA moonlight paddle

Canoe Evansville has agreed to schedule a special moonlight paddle for SIMNA members, to be held at Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife Area on Thursday, September 11th. The cost is $13.50 per person, and can be paid directly to Canoe Evansville manager Ashley on the evening of the paddle. You MUST RESERVE YOUR SPOT BY THE EVENING OF MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 so that I can tell Ashley how many people to expect. Email masternaturalists@gmail.com or call 812-204-8475.

Participants can choose to meet at the nature center at 6:30 PM on Thursday and take the shuttle out to Bluegrass, or you can meet the group at the second lake (I believe it is Loon Pit) at 7:00 PM. Please dress for the weather and bring water and bug spray. If you have questions about the trip or equipment needs, please call (812) 479-0771 ext. 105 and speak to Ashley or Neal.

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