Hello SIMNA,
New Officers: President--Eric Reek Vice-President--Pat Savage
Our next meeting is March 8. We will hear Steve Bohleber speak on efforts to study biodiversity of Great Smoky Mountain Nat'l. Park.
Thought I would update the blog site, since it is a bit behind! Hope 2012 is going swell for you , so far. Kathy Eicher
New Officers: President--Eric Reek Vice-President--Pat Savage
Secretary--Larry Hazlewood
Treasurer--Gail Euber
January meeting was held at Wesselman's on the 21st. It was a joint effort shared with SWINPAWS. We enjoyed a brunch and presentation on invasive plants by Tom Tremain.
On Feb. 21 we hitch-hiked with Audubon and heard Mel Lodato give the History of Falconry.
By the way did you know that the Bald Eagle which was in rehab at the Nature Center has been transferred to a location where it is using a flight cage to gain strength? I was lucky to get to watch a test flight out by Odonata Pond--it was determined that the bird was still underweight at that time. Now it seems healthier and may be released soon at the site where it was captured.
Our next meeting is March 8. We will hear Steve Bohleber speak on efforts to study biodiversity of Great Smoky Mountain Nat'l. Park.
We have our meeting at 6:30pm--Steve talks at 7:00pm at Nature Center
Certified Backyard Wildlife Habitat Seminar--Sat. March 17
If you've never taken this course, better sign up!! Habitats are vanishing!
Field trip to Hemlock Cliffs--Sat. April 14
Also: Class of 2012 Field Day April 14
Ohio Valley Birding Festival--April 25-29 with Family Day on the 28th
Please watch for details of all these events through email and your Wesselman's Old Growth Gazette Spring issue. Recycle Saturdays are listed there, too, if you can help out with that.
Last, but not least, The 2012 Indiana Master Naturalist Gathering hosted by our own Alumni Group, SIMNA, is on the docket for June 1, 2, and optional 3. Keynote speaker, IN State Botanist, Michael Homoya will speak on Orchids of Indiana--yes we have species here, even. A book-signing will follow a luncheon and his presentation. All hands on board! We will need your help!! More to come!