Well, we had a nice Saturday at the Birding Festival--no rain, pleasant temps, and a steady flow of bird lovers. Thanks to all who volunteered!
If you have ever seen a Rose-breasted Grosbeak(pictured in the post before this one), you know what a treat it is. But have you ever seen a Blue Grosbeak? Well, if you visit the Nature Center bird-watching room, you have a good chance of seeing one. I myself just added it to my life list on Saturday. This pic below is from a website, but I hope to get my own photo of the real thing in this coming week. Hurry to see it, it may be a fleeting Kodak moment. Be patient!!!
See you on May 16 at the Museum at 6:00pm for our next meeting. Details will be mailed out by our secretary a week before.
P.S. Blue Grosbeaks are hard to spot in the wild, and just the very southern tip of Indiana is included in their breeding range.