
September 17 Meeting Minutes

Southwestern Indiana Master Naturalist Association
Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2007

Jane welcomed everyone and asked if there were any proposed changes to the minutes from the August meeting. There were not. Eldon Scott could not be at the meeting but Jane reported that the Association now had 10 paid members and a treasury balance of $500.

The WNS education committee is soliciting MN alumni input on test and course content in preparation for the next Master Naturalist class beginning in January. Suggestions were made including that there could be an essay component where participants actually perform observation and interpretation. Comments will be forwarded to the committee

Jane made the group aware that the Evansville Parks Department was asking residents to complete an online survey regarding their interests in Evansville parks and recreation. A number in attendance had already completed the survey and felt it was worthwhile. The survey can be accessed through the following website: www.usi.edu/parksurvey.asp
Lauren told the group that Fall Flutterby was a great success and thanked everyone that helped with the event. The evening insect hike was rescheduled for September 29th because of rain. She asked the group to think about more possible activities for adults during next year’s event. Some suggestions given included Monarch tagging, instruction on raising butterflies, and details on how to be a Monarch way station.

Jane distributed the new WNS Program Guide to give everyone a feel for the types of programs they might be asked to assist with in the future.

Susan shared that plans for the first ever Ohio Valley Birding Festival were coming along nicely and that members of the Steering Committee were very excited about this new event. A week of hikes, lectures, workshops and activities will focus on educating people about migratory birds and the importance of protecting and providing habitat to ensure their survival. The event would be held over a number of days, but primarily occur on the weekend of May 2-4, 2008. She asked that all interested Master Naturalists please reserve the date now because there would be plenty of opportunity for docents to assist during the festival. Committees will start forming soon. Those specifically interested in helping plan or assist with the children’s activity area were encouraged to attend the Flying Wild curriculum training to be held on November 17th. Those in attendance offered a variety of suggestions for activities and sponsors. Susan will forward these on to the Steering Committee.

Lauren gave an impromptu tour of the newly renovated raptor facilities. She’s very busy training docents and new raptors! Master Naturalists with an interest in becoming a raptor handler are invited to speak to Lauren about being included in the next raptor docent training class.

Our next meeting will be held at the nature center at 6:30 PM on Monday, October 15. Heidi has arranged for Chuck Price, Professor of Science Education at USI, to give a presentation on the USI Bluebird Trail. Dr. Price will begin his talk at 6:30 sharp, so don't be late!

More info on the Bluebird trail can be found at: http://www.usi.edu/bluebird/.

Upcoming volunteer opportunities:

10/13 Recycle Saturday at Old Wal-Mart West, 8 am – Noon

10/20 & 21 “Tree”mendous Tree Weekend at WWNP

Upcoming educational opportunities:
10/16 John Castrale, IN DNR to speak about IN Raptors at WWNP @ 7 pm

11/17 Flying Wild curriculum training @ JJ Audubon State Park, 9 am-2 pm

Scott will be conducting Bird Banding Workshops during the upcoming months. If you would like to receive training in bird banding techniques and skills, please come on out. Practice is the only way to build confidence and learn the tricky techniques of removing birds from the mist net.

Please check these dates on your calendar:
Sunday, November 4, 9am-10:30am
Sunday, December 2, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Thursday, January 17, 9:00am-10:30am

A few of the dates listed are also open to the public, these are on Sunday mornings or afternoons.
The January date will be just for a Master Naturalists training class.

Scott says: "The last afternoon Bird Banding Workshop that I offered had over 50 public participants who came to watch and learn! It was somewhat overwhelming, but great. I could definitely use help during the workshops by trained Master Naturalists. This is a hands-on workshop for all who attend, as they assist with banding, recording information, and releasing banded birds. Generally, only trained hands assist with removal of birds from the net due to the difficulty of removing them, this is where I need help!
This will also be excellent training so that you can assist with the Ohio Valley Bird Festival during the first weekend May of 2008."

Contact Scott at skramer@wesselmannaturesociety.org or (812) 479-0771 ext. 102.