Hello, everyone!
Welcome to the IMN blog! This site has been set up as a place for us to post our minutes, announcements, photos, calls to action, and other various pieces of IMN business.
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Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2007
Congratulations on completing the course, passing the exam, and beginning your volunteer hours! The next step is to join our brand new association for alumni.
We held our first organizational meeting on Monday, April 23. There were 20 people in attendance, and many others expressed interest in future attendance. We had a very positive discussion about staying “loosely” associated, with many expressing an interest in continuing to have educational meetings. We settled on trying to meet monthly on the third Monday at 6:30PM.
There was much discussion on what to call our association, so we will vote on that at our next meeting. Gena Garrett graciously volunteered to be our Secretary, and help create this newsletter to keep us informed! And until someone else volunteers, Jane Magary will act as President. That leaves the jobs of Vice-President and Treasurer up for grabs! Here’s your chance to take charge of this charter association and set the direction for the future. The subject of dues will also be voted on at our next meeting.
Next Meeting: May 21 at 6:30PM at the Nature Center.
There is a rumor that we may even have snacks and a speaker!
Susan Haislip has requested that you turn in your volunteer interest list as soon as possible so that she can put together training for various volunteer positions. Please let her know what you want to help out with! shaislip@wesselmannaturesociety.org
Norma Duckworth needs help with Pickin on the Pigeon at Garvin Park on June 2, 2007. She will train volunteers to demonstrate the Enviroscape (the watershed model Lauren used in class) and explain handouts. Norma.duckworth@in.nacdnet.net